December 31 – goodbye 2015

160/365 – people to thank who have had an impact on me. Closing off 2015. It’s been a crazy, chaotic year – yes, it tested me and it bested me but I learned a lot about myself and this blog was borne of it.   I made new friends this year that came into my life because that’s what was necessary for my life. I made stronger connections with already existing friends because that was also necessary. I faced health issues that only made me stronger. I lost touch with close relatives due to family politics but I reconnected with estranged family members as well – both making me that much better. I became open and honest about who I am and what my life is about. I shared about myself but I received so much more feedback from others telling me that I have inspired/aided them in their journey of life. I turned 50 this past year and faced my demons and discovered angels – one being letting go of my perfectionism and accepting my human frailties. I took on various challenges and conquered some of my fears. I re-evaluated my personal relationships and moved back home. I have learned a lot in the past year – some good, some not so good but all good for my personal growth. Yes, 2015 was another trying year for me – 3 years of trials and tribulations in a row but as they say, things come in 3s so maybe a change is coming! I needed you 2015 to put me through the test of life but I am very much ready to say goodbye to you and welcome the new year but whatever 2016 throws me, I will face it and deal with it as I do with everything I face, a smile and a drink in hand and my sense of humour intact! Cheers to you 2015 – glad to have been alive and living and heeding your life lessons!